
Products tagged with stopper

Rubber Oar Stopper Single 1 5/8"
The 1" thick rubber stopper goes right over the oar shaft, not over the Molded Oar Sleeve. The 1 5/8" inner diameter is a tight fit on the shaft. Use either soap and water or hair spray to lubricate the stopper and shaft to slide it on. As it dries, hair
Scupper Plugs Glow - Universal Pair
These distinctive scupper plugs offer a multi-sized design that allows for easy seating in most scuppers.
Scupper Stoppers X-Small (Green) - Single
Scupper Stoppers can be used to plug the scupper holes in the cockpit of your Old Town or Ocean Kayak.

This will help you stay dry while you are paddling.
Scupper Stoppers - Large (RED) - Single
Scupper Stoppers can be used to plug the scupper holes in the cockpit of your Old Town or Ocean Kayak.

This will help you stay dry while you are paddling.
Plastic Oar Stopper
If you are not using oar rights, plastic stoppers will position and keep your oars where you want them to be. Use large stoppers with Molded Oar Sleeves.
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