
Products tagged with Canoe

Pro Throw Line
Throw lines for many different safety and rescue functions on the water. Designed to meet the technical demands of Rescue Professionals, North Water Throw Lines cover the waterfront.
Old Town Sitbacker Chair
The SitBacker provides great back-support for the canoe. It's reclinable, portable and has a 2" thick cushioned seat.
Thule Portage Canoe Carrier
Easy loading, thanks to durable gunwales with ramped sides
Cushioned weather-resistant base padding protects canoe during transit
Universal Canoe Skid Plate Kevlar Felts
Protect the Bow and stern of your Canoe with these Universal Kevlar Felts. 
Paddle Anchor - "Shaft to thwart"
Built to strap onto a thwart and anchor the paddle shaft for easy access.
Big Foot Pro Canoe Carrier W/ Bow And Stern Lines
The Big Foot Pro Canoe Carrier is a universal-mount gunwale bracket rooftop carrier system. This carrier provides safe transport from the driveway to the water's edge for a single canoe.
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